What French associations in Portugal are there?

What French associations in Portugal are there?

An increasing number of French people have been moving to Portugal, looking for a more peaceful life – on the coast, beaches north to south, in the countryside or in the busier cities, such as Lisbon and Porto. The figures from the Border Authority show that by the end of 2018 there were over 16 thousand French citizens living in Portugal. 

Even though the European Union has made it easier, and despite the tax breaks offered by the Portuguese government, moving to another country isn’t always easy. This is why communities tend to form associations which make the move easier. In the case of the French community there are several French associations in Portugal that can lend support, such as: 

Français du Monde – ADFE Portugal

With over 150 chapters all over the world, the Français du Monde association also has an office in Lisbon.  

The group is recognised for its helpful role in answering any questions that might occur to French citizens who are thinking of moving, regardless of their social condition or origin. 

Français du Monde describes itself as an association which defends the vulnerable and promotes cultural diversity and citizenship. It also defends the interests of French expats in Portugal, works towards social justice and helps spread information on social events and exchange programmes.

Address: Avenida Luís Bivar 91 / 1050-143 Lisboa

Email: adfeportugal@gmail.com

Telephone: +351 927 469 082

Lisbonne Accueil

Lisbonne Accueil is a volunteer organisation with over 30 years of experience and is a member of the Fédération Internationale des Accueils Français et Francophones à l’Étranger network.

The group’s aim is to benefit from the experience of its members – based on decades of existence in Portugal – and put it at the disposal of those who are moving to Portugal and having to deal with the existing bureaucracy. This is achieved through the provision of information and advice at pre-scheduled meetings.

But that is not all. Lisbonne Accueil also helps people discover Lisbon and its culture, through a variety of activities and by introducing newcomers to members of the Portuguese community, to help get them acquainted with the culture they are now living in. Get-togethers, cultural activities and parties are only some of the events you will be able to participate in, or to read about in the organisation’s monthly bulletins.

Address: Rua Cidade de Beja 56C 1º dt, 2775-287 Parede 

Email: lisbonne.accueil@gmail.com

Telephone: +351 927 546 516

Association Vivre à Porto

The francophone community is not limited to the capital. In the city of Porto you will find Vivre à Porto, an organisation which was created in 2009 and which started off as a blog with useful tips to help French speaking people looking to move to the “Invicta” – the name attributed by Queen Maria II in the XIX Century after the city’s troops resisted a siege. 

Email: vivreaporto@gmail.com

Telephone: +351 962 033 831

Associação dos Franceses do Norte de Portugal (A.F.N.P.)

The A.F.N.P is also based in the North and dedicated to helping with the integration of French citizens. It does this by sharing local information and promoting events which can vary from simple hikes to gala evenings. It also has a business side to it, evaluating the businesses of its members and providing a network of services which range from babysitting to home sales and rentals.

Union des Français de l’Étranger (UFE)

The UFE is one of the largest, if not the largest, organisations that supports French citizens in Portugal. It has groups in Lisbon, Western Central Portugal and the Algarve, not only is it spread over more than 100 countries but, having been founded over 90 years ago, it is also the oldest of its kind. Its moto is “each group is a small part of France abroad” and that is what inspires its members to help their compatriots.

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