D3 visa, for highly qualified professionals

D3 visa, for highly qualified professionals

It is a residence visa for employees in highly qualified activities, students admitted as master's students, or researchers, in collaboration with a research center recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science, and for professional teachers who teach at university level or teach subjects considered to be of high value.

It applies to high-value professionals in the IT and Digital sectors, with employment contracts in Portugal.

How to Apply

The application for a D3 visa begins in the country of origin, must be requested at the Portuguese consular posts, or at the Embassy or Consulate that has the jurisdiction of that country if there is no Portuguese consular post.

For teaching, highly qualified or cultural activity:

  • Employment contract or promise of employment contract or service provision contract; or
  • a letter of invitation issued by an educational or vocational training institution; or
  • Term of Responsibility issued by the certified company under the terms defined by ordinance of the members of the Government responsible for the areas of internal administration and economy; or
  • A letter of invitation from a business entity that carries out a cultural activity in Portugal recognized by the member of the Government responsible for the area of culture as of interest to the country, or as defined by law; or
  • A letter of invitation issued by a research centre.

For highly qualified activity performed by subordinate workers:

  • Employment contract or promise of an employment contract valid for at least one year, corresponding to an annual remuneration of at least 1.5 times the national average annual gross salary or three times the indexing value of social support (IAS);

In the case of a regulated profession, having high professional qualifications, duly proven in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 9/2009, of 4 March, or in a specific law on the recognition of professional qualifications, necessary for access to and exercise of the profession indicated in the employment contract or in the promise of an employment contract;

In the case of an unregulated profession, you must possess high professional qualifications appropriate to the activity or sector specified in the employment contract or promise of employment contract.

Minimum stay and renewals

The D3 Visa is valid for two years and renewable for successive periods of three years.


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