The 10 Most Famous Recipes

17 February 2022
The 10 Most Famous Recipes

The 10 Most Famous Recipes

1 – Bacalhau à Brás 

This dish is considered bacalhau for beginners, a sort of reinterpretation of fish and chips. The codfish is shredded and sautéed with fried straw potatoes, onions and whisked eggs. Black olives and parsley are the cherry on the cake. It’s probably the most popular of all bacalhau dishes!

2 –Bacalhau com Natas (Codfish with Cream)

A delicious mixture of cream and moreish béchamel sauce envelops the codfish in a creamy mixture of potatoes and sautéed onions. Some can’t resist giving it a cheesy au gratin finish!

3 – Bacalhau à Gomes de Sá

This signature recipe was created in the North of Portugal by José Luís Gomes de Sá. It consists of codfish slivers previously softened in milk, accompanied with boiled eggs, black olives and parsley.

4 – Pataniscas de Bacalhau (Codfish Fritters)

These irresistible tidbits can be served as a memorable starter or in their classic version, with a plate of saucy kidney bean rice. The fritters are made with codfish shreds fried in wheat flour and egg batter, and seasoned with salt, pepper and parsley.

5 – Bacalhau à Lagareiro (Codfish in Olive Oil)

From the olive press to a generously drizzled platter, this dish is for those who can’t go without olive oil. Dipped in liquid gold and embraced by turnip greens and roast potatoes, with raw garlic as a final seasoning, this dish never gets old.

6 – Bacalhau à Zé do Pipo

Another signature codfish recipe. A delicious mixture of mayonnaise, creamy mashed potato, red pepper, bay leaves and olives. It was first tasted in 1940 and has since been part of the heritage of most desired bacalhau recipes.

7 – Bacalhau de Cebolada (Codfish with Onions)

For this traditional dish, codfish slices are coated in flour and egg before being fried. A considerable amount of onions cut into rings, strips of red pepper and garlic cloves are added. Everything is seasoned with pepper, paprika, bay leaves, salt and tomato pulp. Deep-fried crisps are then laid out on a platter as a bed for the codfish, which is finally covered with the onion sauce. Absolutely delicious!

8 – Bacalhau Assado (Roasted Codfish)

Bacalhau in its purest form, for those who don’t like fads or gimmicks. Whether roasted over charcoal or in the oven, this is the serious bacalhau. Served in slices with roast potatoes and olive oil. As it should be!

9 – Bacalhau Cozido (Boiled Codfish)

If one thing is certain in Portugal at Christmas, it is that this bacalhau dish sits at the table with the Portuguese people. Boiled or “with everything”, codfish is the king of Christmas Eve. With eggs, chickpeas, cabbage and potatoes, and never without a generous drizzle of blessed olive oil.

10 – Pastéis de Bacalhau (Codfish Cakes)

The most famous of all savoury snacks served in cafés around each and every corner. These hot codfish and potato cakes even manage to delight those who don’t like fish. Some say our codfish is so special that it isn’t really fish, it’s bacalhau!


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