Legal Support - recommend hiring a Lawyer

Legal Support - recommend hiring a Lawyer

When buying a property in Portugal, or if it is something that involves the conclusion of a contract, even if it is not mandatory, we advise our clients to hire legal assistance. The law may not require formal representation, but having an attorney by your side increases the certainty of every step you take. There are contracts to be signed, licenses to be granted, all documents must be compliant, and many legal procedures must be registered with the respective public organizations.

OUR HOME  PORTUGAL has the means to deal with normal processes. But if something seems to have a greater degree of complexity, its safeguarding and tranquility recommend hiring a lawyer

All actions related to the transfer of ownership must be subject to public legal acts or public registration . In some cases, these acts require the intervention of notaries or lawyers. For these acts to occur, it is essential that there are legal documents that prove that the asset meets the necessary conditions to be transacted. It is mandatory that all properties have a Housing License, some require a Housing Technical File and, in some cases, other documents indispensable for the rental or habitation of said property.

Real estate

Regardless of the type of property you intend to buy or rent, whether new, refurbished or still in the design phase , the presence of a lawyer may be essential, as there are documents that need verification.

While many of the contracts used in these types of transactions are typically uniform, in the case of, for example, the acquisition of a property that is still under construction, it is essential to ensure that the buyer is safeguarded from different types of risks, such as those related to the completion of the technical design of the property or the urbanization, as well as compliance with deadlines and other conditions that the buyer may have negotiated prior to the purchase decision.






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